कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र, मालकानगिरी

    କୃଷି ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କେନ୍ଦ୍ର, ମାଲକାନଗିରି

#Crop/ CommodityYearFarming Situation Problem/ Opportunity identified for which such interventions was undertaken Farmers' Practices Technology demonstrated Result (q/ha.)Feed back
01Paddy2014-15, (Kharif) Medium landLow yield due to improper nutrient managementN-P-K @ 100-50-50 kg/ha INM in Transplanted Hybrid Rice var. JKRH-401 (Soil test based NPK 125-62.5-50 kg/ha with 25 kg ZnSO4 and 10 kg boprax/ha)FP (T1)- 48.7 RP (T2)- 59.4 All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
02Paddy2014-15, (Kharif) Medium landLow yield due to improper nutrient managementN-P-K @ 80-40-40 kg/ha Foliar spray of 0.25 % Borax at 15 days after transplanting and at flower initiation stage. FP (T1)- 31.8 RP (T2)- 40.4All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
03Rice 2014-15, (Kharif) Medium landLow yield due to high incidence of stem borer in riceIndiscriminate use of chloRP (T2)yriphos, phosphamidon Management of stem borer in rice (Application of indoxacarb (15.84%EC) @ 500ml/ha, 2 times at 15 days interval ) FP (T1)- 24.8 % of infestation - 2 RP (T2)- 34.2 % of infestation - 17All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
04Mushroom 2014-15, (Kharif) Home No use of paddy straw No mushroom production Cultivation of paddy straw mushroom, sp.V.Volvacea FP (T1)- 0 RP (T2)- 0.9kg/bed All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
05Poultry2014-15 (Rabi)Home backyard Less productivity of local birds Local birds Rearing of 30 days old vaccinated Vanaraja poultry in back yardFP (T1)- 0.5 kg RP (T2)- 2.9 kg in 6 months All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
06Pointed gourd 2014-15 (Rabi)Irrigated up landLess yield due to improper management Local variety kudaani Pointed gourd cultivation var Kajala (Vine planting, vine treatment, Recom. Fert.. Need based plant protection)FP (T1)- 59.4 RP (T2)- 132All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
07Green gram 2014-15 (Rabi)Irrigated medium land Less yield due to old variety an improper nutrient application Kalamung var. with 10-20-0 kg NPK/ha Package of practices of greengram (Seed treatment, seed inoculation, NPK-20-40-40 kg/ha, need based plant protection) FP (T1)- 5.9 RP (T2)- 8.3All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
08Groundnut 2014-15 (Rabi)Irrigated medium land Less yield due to old variety an improper nutrient application TMV-2 with NPK 10-20-0 kg/ha Package of practices of groundnut (Seed treatment, seed inoculation, NPK-20-40-40 kg/ha, gypsum-250 kg/ha, need based plant protection)FP (T1)- 16.6 RP (T2)- 20.4 All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
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