कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र, मालकानगिरी

    କୃଷି ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କେନ୍ଦ୍ର, ମାଲକାନଗିରି

#Crop/ CommodityFarming Situation Problem/ Opportunity identified for which such interventions was undertaken Technology options testedResult (q/ha.)Year
01Rice Irrigated Medium LandLow yield due to use of local varietyHigh yielding scented variety of rice var. HYV Ketaki JuhaFP (T1)- 24 RP (T2)- 34.582010-11 (Kharif)
02Sesame Irrigated UplandLow yield due to use of local varietyHigh yielding variety of sesame (Amrit) FP (T1)- 4.5 RP (T2)- 7.02010-11 (Kharif)
03Blackgram Irrigated Medium LandLow yield due to ultivation of local varietyHigh yielding variety of blackgram (Ujala)FP (T1)- 3.9 RP (T2)- 5.22010-11 (Kharif)
04Brinjal Irrigated Medium LandLow yield due to high infestation of brinjal shoot and fruit borerITKs (Dusting of ash @ 40kg./ha. Mixed with 1% kerosine twice at four leaf & flowering stage) FP (T1)- 230 qtl 32-% of Shoot & fruit Infestation RP (T2)- 254 -% of Shoot & fruit infestation:222010-11 (Kharif)
05RiceIrrigated Medium LandLow yield due to high infestation of plant hoppersManagement of BPH and WBPH (Clean cultivation, use of Potash, alternate drying & waiting making alleys of 0.3mts. between rows at 2mts. Interval and alternete spraying of Thiomethoxam 25 WG @ 100gms./ha. & Acetameprid @ 150gms/ha.) FP (T1)-29.9q tl. % of infestation: 34 RP (T2)- 44.2qtl . % of infestation:62010-11 (Kharif)
06PoultryBackyardLow growth rate of desi bird Poultry breed in Backyard for meet production (Rearing of improved poultry breed- Banaraja )FP (T1)- M= 1.05 Kg. F=750g. Egg-Nill RP (T2)- M=3.5 kg./b.wt. F=2.8 kg/b.wt Egg= 42nos 2010-11 (Kharif)
07Country bean Irrigated Medium LandLow yield due to high infestation of aphidsManagement strategy of aphid incountry bean (Alternate spraying of Acetameprid @ 3ml. /10 lts.of water, with neem oil 5ml./ltr.)FP (T1)- 83qtl. No. of Aphids/3 leaves:42 RP (T2)- 108qtl. No. of Aphids/3 leaves:62010-11 (Rabi)
08Chilli Irrigated Medium LandLow yield due to high infestation of thrips in chilliAlternate spraying of Thiomethoxam25WG@100gm/ha. and Acetameprid @150gm/ha FP (T1)- 98qtl No. of Thrips per 3 leaves:24 RP (T2)- 124qtl No. of Thrips per 3 leaves:42010-11 (Rabi)
09Pointed Gourd Irrigated Medium LandLow yield due to use of local varietyHigh yielding Variety of Pointed Gourd, Var- Swarna Aloukik-Yield: 270qtl Yield:350qtl2010-11 (Rabi)
10GroundnutIrrigated Medium LandLow yield due to improper weed management IWM module in Groundnut (Oxyflurofen@ 200ml/ ha. as pre emergence followed by one hand weeding) FP (T1)- 18.5 RP (T2)- 24.02010-11 (Rabi)
11GroundnutIrrigated Medium LandLow yield due to Improper nutrient managementINM in Groundnut (Soil test based NPK, bio fertilizer, Sulphur@ 40kg./ha.Gypsum2.5qtl./ha.)FP (T1)- 20 RP (T2)- 26.42010-11 (Rabi)
12OkraIrrigated Medium LandLow yield due to high infestation of YMV Soil application of, Carbofuran 3 G @ 30 kg / ha, alternate spraying of Thiomethoxam 25 WG @ 100 gms / ha and Dimethoate 35 EC @ 1 ltr / ha and use of yellow sticky trap may enhance the yield. FP (T1)- 87 q/ha % of infestation:39 RP (T2)- 124.8 q/ha % of infestation:8 2010-11 (Rabi)
13Fish PondLow yield due to improper feeding Culture with proper supplementary feeding (Arrowpro+Agrimin fort) following pre & post stocking care)FP (T1)- Body weight:300g RP (T2)- Body weight: 450gm(six mnth) 2010-11 (Rabi)
14Paddy straw mushroomNo use of paddy straw Non availability of mushroom & malnutrition in Farm women Growing of mushroom in beds using spawn, straw and wheat flour FP (T1)- 0 RP (T2)- 1.5kg/bed 2011 (Summer)
15SickleLow efficiency due to old implements Low efficiency and drudgery of farm women during paddy harvesting Use of Improved SickleFP (T1)- Area cut/Hr.-150Sqm.,30mds RP (T2)- Area cut/Hr.-160Sqm, 25mds 2011 (Summer)
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