कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र, मालकानगिरी

    କୃଷି ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କେନ୍ଦ୍ର, ମାଲକାନଗିରି

Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan

Overview of KKA Program

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare launched Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan from 1st June 2018 to 15th August 2018 in 112 aspirational districts of the country. The program was focused on giving a boost to agriculture and allied activities in these aspirational districts. An action plan comprising of activities of the three departments viz., DAC&FW, DAHD&F and DARE was implemented during this period with Krishi Vigyan Kendras as the nodal point. Considering its overwhelming response, Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan Phase II will be launched from 2nd October, 2018 to 25th December, 2018 in 117 Aspirational districts involving all States.


List of KKA Activities

01. Distribution of Soil Health Cards to farmers.
02. Distribution of free Mini Kits of pulses and oilseeds
03. FMD Vaccination of Bovine
04. PPR Vaccination of Sheep and Goat
05. Artificial Insemination
06. Distribution of Agricultural Implements
07. Training programmes in each of the villages by ICAR/KVKs which will inter alia include following allied activities: (a) Bee Keeping (b) Mushroom cultivation (c) Kitchen garden (preferably of women) (d) Other relevant income generating activity
08. Demonstrations on Micro Irrigation/Integrated Farming System in KVKs – with participation of at least two farmers per village.
09. Awareness Camps / Programme for PMFBY in each village to cover non-loanee farmers.
10. Making 20 NADEP / Vermi Compost in each village. (xi) Development of Gramin Haats. (to be implemented in convergence with MGNREGA).
11. Distribution of Horticulture / Agro Forestry / Bamboo plant @ 5 per family (location appropriate) to 100 families per village.

Monitoring KKA Activities

ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (ICAR-IASRI) in collaboration with Agriculture Extension Division of ICAR has developed Krishi Vigyan Kendra Knowledge Network Portal (https://kvk.icar.gov.in/) popularly known as KVK portal for effective information management and dissemination to farmers, KVKs, Agriculture Technology Application Research Institutes(ATARI) and Extension Division of ICAR. This portal is a single window platform which provides basic information and facilities of KVK, District Agricultural Contingency Plan, Upcoming, Ongoing and Past Events organized by KVKs, Package of Practices related to Crop, Horticulture, Animal, and Fisheries, access to Agro-meteorological advisory and Agricultural Commodity Market prices to farming community.

As KVKs are already using this portal for information management and reporting, therefore KKA initiative is being digitally managed using KVK portal and continuously monitored by higher authorities in different ministries associated with this activity. Process flow of performing KKA activities were designed in a manner that all the activities performed by KVKs in consultation with state ministries are uploaded in the portal by the KVKs.

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