कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र, मालकानगिरी

    କୃଷି ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କେନ୍ଦ୍ର, ମାଲକାନଗିରି

#Crop/ CommodityYearFarming Situation Problem/ Opportunity identified for which such interventions was undertaken Farmers' Practices Technology demonstrated Result (q/ha.) Feed back
01Paddy 2013-14 (Kharif)Irrigated medium land Low yield due to cultivation of old paddy varietyCultivation of paddy variety : Lalat Cultivation of HYV paddy variety Mandakini FP (T1)- 8.6 RP (T2)- 5.3All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
02Rice 2013-14 (Kharif)Irrigated medium land Low yield due to improper management of weed One hand weeding at 30 DAT IWM in transplanted Rice (Post-emergence application of Metsulfuron methyl + Chloromuron ethyl ( Almix) @ 20 gm/ha after 15 DAT along with one hand weeding at 35 DAT )FP (T1)- 7.4 RP (T2)- 4.6All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
03Paddy 2013-14 (Kharif)Irrigated medium land Low yield due to high incidence of blast in paddy Farmers Practice Occasional spraying of Carbendazim Management of blast disease in paddy (Recommended Practice Seed treatment with Tricyclazole @ 1gm/kg of seed, foliar spraying with Tricyclazole @ 0.6 gm/ lit at 1st incidence twice at 15 days interval )FP (T1)- 8.0 RP (T2)- 5.7All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
04Okra 2013-14 (Kharif)Irrigated up land Low yield due to high incidence of YVMV in okra Farmers Practice Indiscriminate use of insecticide (ChloRP (T2)yriphos, Phosphamidon) Management of YVMV in okra (Soil application of Carbofuran 3 G @ 30 kg / ha, alternate spraying of Thiomethoxam 25 WG @ 100 gms / ha and Difenthurion 50% WP@ 750gm / ha and use of yellow sticky trap 25/ha)FP (T1)- 8.1 RP (T2)- 4.8All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
05Tomato2013-14 (Kharif)Irrigated up landLow yield due to use of desi varieties Use of desi varietiesHigh yielding variety Utkal Kumari with full package of practicesFP (T1)- 205 RP (T2)-276 All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
06Pointed gourd 2013-14 (Rabi)Irrigated up landLow yield due to high incidence of downy mildew in pointed gourdFarmers Practice Application of Carbendazim and Mancozeb Management of downy mildew in pointed gourd (Recommended Practice Planting material treatment with Thiophinate methyl @ 1 gm/lit and need base spraying of Thiophinate methyl @ 1 gm/lit and chlorothalonil @ 1.5 gm/lt at 15 days interval)FP (T1)-122.4 RP (T2)- 144.7All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
07Poultry 2013-14 (Rabi)Homestead Low yield due to use of local birds Local birds Rearing of 30 days old vaccinated Banaraja poultry in back yard FP (T1)-0.5 kg/bird RP (T2)- 2.9 kg / bird in 6 months All the farmers appreciated the performance of the demonstration and ready to adopt the component
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