कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र, मालकानगिरी

    କୃଷି ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କେନ୍ଦ୍ର, ମାଲକାନଗିରି

#Crop/ CommodityYearFarming Situation Problem/ Opportunity identified for which such interventions was undertaken Farmers' Practices Technology demonstrated Result Feed back
01Rice2017-18 (Kharif)Irrigated medium landLow yield from Rice var. MTU-1001 Rice var. MTU-1001 Hybrid rice var. Ajaya FP (T1)- 42.8 RP (T2)- 54.3All the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
02Sweet corn 2017-18 (Kharif)Irrigated medium landLess income from existing maize varieties RIL-009 Sweet corn var. Sugar-75 FP (T1)- 25.2 RP (T2)- 34.9 All the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
03Mushroom 2017-18 (Kharif)Homestead Low income of landless framers Not in practice Cultivation of Oyster mushroom P. sajar kaju FP (T1)- 0 RP (T2)- 1.8 kg/bedAll the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
04Vegetables 2017-18 (Kharif)Homestead Malnutrition problems Limited vegetable crop grow (one or two ) Demonstration on Nutritional Garden FP (T1)-Before-18 families RP (T2)-After -102 families All the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
05Groundnut 2017-18 (Kharif)Irrigated Medium land Low yield from local verity of groundnut and No Seed TreatmentLocal Var. Andhra badam , No Seed Treatment New var.(T1-TPG-41 &T2- Devi) and pre- sowing eed treatment with carbendazim powder@2g/kg seed FP- (T1)-0.75 RP (T2)-13.5 (T3)- 2.61The recommendation variety TPG- 41 has greater yield comparison to Devi as well as local Variety and with proper management practices applying with pesticide & seed treatment
06Sweet corn 2017-18 (Rabi)Irrigated upland Less income from existing maize varieties INDAM1122Sweet corn var. Sugar 75 FP (T1)-128.7 RP (T2)- 42.15All the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
07Groundnut 2017-18 (Rabi)Irrigated Medium land Low yield from local verity of groundnut and No Seed TreatmentLocal Var. Andhra badam , No Seed Treatment New var.(Devi) and Seed treatment with Rhizobium @ 20g/kg seed & Trichoderma viride @ 5g/kg seed FP (T1)- 19.1 RP (T2)- 24.29All the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
08Vegetables 2017-18 (Rabi)Homestead Malnutrition problems Limited vegetable crop grow (one or two ) Demonstration on Nutritional Garden FP (T1)-Before-24 families RP (T2)-After -106 families All the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
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