01 | Rice | Irrigated medium land | Low yield due to improper nutrient management | INM in Rice (Green manuring of Dhanicha+ Azosporilium @ 10 kg/ha. + PSB 5kg/ha + Lime 0.25 LR ) | FP (T1)- 36 RP (T2)- 43 | 2011 -12 (Kharif) | | |
02 | Rice | Irrigated medium land | Low yield due to use of ruling variety Lalat | HYV rice var. Naveen | FP (T1)- 36.4 RP (T2)- 42.7 | 2011 -12 (Kharif) | | |
03 | Paddy | Irrigated medium land | Low income due to high infestation of Leaf Folder | Management of Leaf Folder In Paddy (Use of Tricho cards @ 5 cards/ha, Spraying of Triazophos @ 1lit /ha. for controlling Leaf folder ) | FP (T1)- 37.3 RP (T2)- 44.6 | 2011 -12 (Kharif) | | |
04 | Maize and cowpea | Irrigated medium land | Low income due to monocropping | Intercropping of Maize and cowpea ( 2:2 ratio) Var. Pusa Komal, P 30 R-77 | FP (T1)- 36.8 RP (T2)- 18.6 (Maize) 30.4 (Cowpea) | 2011 -12 (Kharif) | | |
05 | Okra | Irrigated medium land | Low income due to high infestation of Leaf Folder | Management of shoot and fruit borer in okra (Alternate spraying of Propenophos @ 1 lt./ha., Neem oil @ 2.5 lt./ ha. And BT @ 1 kg./ha. At 10 days interval.) | FP (T1)- 81.2 % of infestation -17.8 RP (T2)-112.0 % of infestation -4.7 | 2011 -12 (Kharif) | | |
06 | Maize sheller | - | Low efficiency and high drudgery in shelling of maize | Assessment of tubular maize sheller (Maize seller, overall dimensions (L X D) mm-70 X 55 Shape : octagonal, Weight- 0.22 kg. cost- Rs.90/-, output- (kg/hr)- 27 | FP (T1)- 14 Labour required (w.mandays/qt) 0.86 Heart rate: (bits/min)-92 RP (T2)- 24 Labour required (w.mandays/qt) 0.52 Heart rate: (bits/min)- | 2011 -12 (Kharif) | | |
07 | Crumbled Paddy straw | Backyard | Non availability of paddy straw due to threshing by draught animals of paddy by bullocks/tractor | Oyster mushroom cultivation by using crumbled straw (Pleurotus spp. ) | FP (T1)- 0 RP (T2)-2.2q/100beds | 2011 -12 (Kharif) | | |
08 | Marigold | Irrigated medium land | Low yield due to use of local variety | Assessment of Seracol variety of marigold | FP (T1)- 63 RP (T2)- 110 | 2011 -12 (Kharif) | | |
09 | Ground nut | Irrigated medium land | Low yield due to use of local variety | HYV of ground nut "Devi" | FP (T1)- 19.8 RP (T2)- 24.5 | 2011-12 (Rabi) | | |