कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र, मालकानगिरी

    କୃଷି ବିଜ୍ଞାନ କେନ୍ଦ୍ର, ମାଲକାନଗିରି

#Crop/ CommodityYearFarming Situation Problem/ Opportunity identified for which such interventions was undertaken Farmers' Practices Technology options testedResult (q/ha.)Feed back
01Rice 2017-18 (Kharif)Irrigated medium land Low yield by Using of old varietyFP(T1)- Using of old Variety MTU-1001HYV of rice varieties RP(T2)- Manaswani T3- Binadhan-11FP- (T1)41.1 RP (T2)-44.7 (T3) 47.3All the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
02Paddy 2017-18 (Kharif)Irrigated medium land Low yield due to high weed infestation FP (T1)- One hand weeding at 30DATRP (T2)- Bensulfuron(0.6%)+ Pretilachlor(0.6%) at 3-6 DAT T3- Azimsulfuron @35g/ha at 20 DAT FP- (T1)- 39.6 RP (T2)-41.6 (T3)- 42.6All the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
03Tomato2017-18 (Rabi)Irrigated upland Low yield due to the Bacterial wilt LaxmiBacterial wilt tolerance tomato varieties FP (T1)- Laxmi RP (T2)- Arka Rashak T3- Arka Samrat FP- (T1)-230.9 RP (T2)-333.2 (T3)- 404.9All the farmers appreciated the performance of the technology and ready to adopt it
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