The two-day training on Landscape Diagnostic Survey (LDS), organized by ICARAgricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ATARI), Kolkata in collaboration with CSISA (CIMMYT) at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nadia concluded today. Chief Guest of the valedictory Session, Dr. G. Saha, Vice Chancellor, BCKV, expressed his deep satisfaction with the timely organization of this event at Nadia KVK. He also stressed the importance of integrating climate change aspect in LDS. Dr. Pradip Dey, Director of CAR-ATARI, Kolkata, emphasized that LDS gathers data on crop cultivation to help researchers predict yields, targeting technologies and supplement on-farm research by dentifying key factors affecting farmer yields across various environments and practices. Dr. Dey stated that ODK simplifies data collection and reduces costs, errors, and delays compared to paper-based systems, offering real-time tracking, easy updates, and enhanced data quality.
Dr. R.K. Malik, Consultant at CIMMYT, emphasized the adoption patterns of agronomic practices in rice and noted yield variations across states and districts. He stressed that diversification within rice is feasible and that accurate weather forecasting, supplemented with agronomic data, can enhance planning and management. Dr. K. Brahmachari, Director of Extension Education, BCKV also spoke on the occasion. Dr. P.P. Pal, Principal Scientist Nodal Officer, CSISA, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata coordinated the whole programme and delivered welcome address in the inaugural session. CSISA's Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) specialist Dr. Madhulika Singh, Ag. Specialist, CIMMYT-Patna explained LDS, covering its relevance, methods, digital tools, and sampling in an interactive manner. Dr. Arindam Samaddar, Scientist, IRRI-Delhi explained that LDS provides a representative prognosis for further analysis and discussed its purpose, scope, and the methodology of random sampling. Day two was dedicated to practical session in the farmers' field in Kundulia, Kastodanga of Haringhata block focusing on use of Open Data Kit (ODK) and participants were exposed to specifics of the LDS in actual field situation. Dr. Wasim Iftikar, RA, CIMMYT-Odisha also helped in training programme. During feedback session, participants expressed confidence with the exposure to LDS module development and methodology to carry forward in upcoming LDS on crops. A total of 10 Heads and SMSs from KVKs of Odisha and West Bengal participated in the programme.